The My Story Seller Story

If you’re anything like me, the trajectory of your life may have turned out totally different than you had planned, which is exactly how I’ve landed here today. In 2019, my life was turned upside down when I witnessed the tragic and unexpected passing of my infant niece. As I grappled in the depths of complex PTSD, Depression, and Anxiety, my therapist asked me a question that changed the course of my life. That question catapulted me into sitting at the computer one night, and the words that once escaped me suddenly charged out of me like a freight train onto the screen. Eight pages later, I had seemingly found an incredible new way to work through my loss and use writing as a way to process not only my grief but also my life.

Soon after, I started my blog, Amy Unfiltered, and in 2021, I began using my love of words and writing with HEART to launch My Story Seller. What initially began as a business to help people write seller letters as they set out to buy their dream homes has now beautifully evolved into helping individuals and small businesses share their stories and lives, incorporating the intimate passion and heart behind it all.

Meet Amy


Hi, I’m Amy!

I LOVE people. I love hearing their stories and what makes them, them. Trusting someone with your memories, your story, and your business is hard. It’s something I take very seriously, and I pride myself on learning as much as I possibly can about each person I work with because, to my core, I genuinely care.

Writing for other humans is a work of heart. It’s putting myself in their shoes, gaining an understanding of how they got to where they are, and digging deep to translate their thoughts and feelings with the keys on my computer. I am so humbled to be here and on this journey of helping people connect their words to the heart of their lives and missions.

Have questions or interest in a complimentary consultation? Let’s chat!